Best way to hide Email address in your website or blog from Spam bots - Google's mailhide


If you have a website or blog, it is necessary to put your email there to let visitors to contact you.
may be only in contact page or in every page.
But what if some bad bots searching websites for mail addresses in blogs or websites crawled into your website? yes. there is the problem that they will send you number of advt emails to your inbox.
if your mail server doesn't have an effective spam filter, things will get worse than that.
 you will be getting numerous mails each day that make your job difficult.

So, Whats the effective way to prevent spam bots to get your email address but to let your real visitors grab your email address so that they can contact you?

GOOGLE, the unstoppable king has the answer.
To hide your email address from bots,and let your visitors grab it after a simple captcha test, Google has a service named "MAIL HIDE"
Go make it today.
Go below address and get the code from there and put it whereever you want visitors to see the link to your mail address.

There you can see a text field  labled protect your mail.
Type your email address in it

You will be taken to next page after you click Protect it button.

There you can see two code blocks for you.
One is the text field which contain a URL to your protected email. you can make a link to that URL in your web page. shown in the figure below.

Next one is the HTML code we can put in our webpage, where visitor can click on the link and it will take them to your mail,protected with captcha

your<a href=";c=4GL32YEpIYeIqgdJWlqemLdYlQCJ7ElRa4KN3nHJOo8=" onclick="'\07501zI57-KPkSDVJEtubLfJaMw\75\75\46c\0754GL32YEpIYeIqgdJWlqemLdYlQCJ7ElRa4KN3nHJOo8\075', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">...</a>

Copy paste that code you see  into your web page where you want to display your email to visitors.

Below is screenshots of How it seen after implementation and how does it work.

User Sees a "" on contact area.

User clicks on that . It will pop up a window,asking user to enter a captcha.

After filling and clicking on "reveal email address" button, it will show user the real email.

There are many methods out there, but i trust this one most. because it is provided by GOOGLE. whats more than that ;)


  1. This is safe and would be nice, if it wouldn't lead to annoying unreadable captchas.
