
Article Archives

Bash snippet : Recursively delete node_modules, vendor, and .git folder from multiple laravel projects using .sh file

Usefull for recursively delete node_modules, vendor folders from multiple laravel projects, at once. #!/bin/bash # This is a recursive delete script for multiple laravel projects # @arguments: # # Deletes the folders inside the folder where this...

2020-08-290 Comments

Laravel homestead and vagrant-hostsupdater - Automate the hosts file updation in windows for your next homestead project!

Lets configure homestead.rb to update hosts file using hostsupdater plugin. in case if you have not yet added this plugin, run vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater from your command prompt. Open homestead.rb file in your favorite text...

2016-10-210 Comments

LARAVEL 5.2 - Using username instead of email in default auth scaffold

In laravel 5.2, you can use php artisan make:auth command to generate default auth scaffold. And you will be able to use laravel's default auth system, which using email and password as credentials. Now, you want to use "username" instead of...

2016-05-170 Comments

Drupal forgot password for admin - best method to reset with PHP file. (If you have FTP Access)

You have forgot your Drupal website's password! That's horrible. But dont worry, we have a better way to reset password if you have access to your files. If you remember / have access to the admin email, its OK you can reset by going to forgot...

2016-04-040 Comments

Installing composer manually and setting composer path in windows 7

Here is, How you can install composer from command prompt and access by composer command in WINDOWS 7. Go to php.exe located folder. if you are using WampServer, probably "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\" press and hold CTRL + SHIFT together...

2015-07-250 Comments

Drupal webform + Bootstrap, 2 minutes to do it better.

When i was working on a drupal site that is designed in bootstrap 3, I wanted to design this webform to the one in bootstrap. Here is how i did it, and this is the best and quickest way to integrate webform with bootstrap. Follow these 4 simple...

2015-01-200 Comments

How to remove index.php from codeigniter URLs in two simple steps!

If you have downloaded codeigniter, and learning it from scratch, you might have been at a point where you search "How to remove index.php from codeigniter URLs" Generally any function inside your controller will work only if you call it after...

2014-08-130 Comments

Wampserver:httpd exe The program can't start because msvcr110 dll is missing

If you are using windows 8 and installing wamp server, you might have got this error message. "httpd.exe The program can't start because msvcr110 dll is missing" If this error appearing after you open any programm in your computer then it is solved...

2014-07-270 Comments

Windows 8 and Wamp server - Troubleshooting errors

To get rid of the wampserver 403 Forbidden error on Windows 8, you should take these steps first. Modify the Apache HTTPD.CONF file. Change "Listen 80" to "Listen" If it is already "Listen" , then leave it as it...

2014-07-270 Comments

[Solved] - WAMP and Windows 8 - Your port 80 is actually used!

If you see "Your port 80 is actually used" error in your windows 8 here is the solution. The simple reason behind that would be, IIS. If you turn off IIS , it would solve the problem. Got to "Control Panel" If the view is in classic mode, click...

2014-07-270 Comments

Windows 8: Enable .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) - (NetFx3) feature in Offline mode!

Inside your windows installation disk, or USB, there will be a folder named "source". Open  it and inside it you can see a folder named "sxs" Copy that folder to any root drive (for example, inside C:/) Now search for cmd (Command prompt)...

2014-07-270 Comments

Revert to old gmail interface (HTML Version) with this simple url hack!

In slow connections, loading standard Gmail will be time consuming, the we will have to revert to old Gmail interface for easy access to inbox and other Gmail features. So here is the URL trick that will help you to access old Gmail interface...

2014-07-050 Comments

HTACCESS | Redirect naked domain to WWW - [NON WWW to WWW with htaccess]

Here is how you can redirect your named domain address to www Using .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] Code explained: RewriteEngine On : Enable...

2014-06-180 Comments

What is a naked domain? - Naked Domain,Top Level Domain and subdomain Explained!

What is a naked domain?   Naked domains are those domains without a WWW in front of it. for example : is a naked domain where is a top level domain, and com is a sub-domain and not naked. Quick...

2014-06-180 Comments

Installing Drupal - Step by step tutorial

In this Drupal tutorial, i will explain how to download and install Drupal. Requirements: Drupal package Development server with php and mysql For this tutorial, i have used wamp server in my windows 7 OS. Lets begin! Download Drupal...

2014-06-010 Comments

Remove blog name from Title of Blogger blog - [SOLVED]

Blogger is the easiest blogging platform to customize ,if you understand the right way. In this article,I will tell you "How to remove blog name from Title". and how to optimize it for better SEO. How to remove blog name from title of blogger...

2014-05-080 Comments

How to disable javascript in Google Chrome

In this article, I will explain more than 3 methods to disable JavaScript in Google Chrome Browser. There are more than three methods that are available to disable JavaScript in Google Chrome. you can use any of these to...

2014-04-091 Comments

Blogger conditional tag, best way to check whether it is mobile version or Desktop version

You may have seen this : <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>  //Mobile contents goes here  <b:else/>  //Desktop contents here  </b:if>  So, is there any other way without this else condition we can check...

2014-04-040 Comments

PageSpeed : Prefer asynchronous resources

Fetching resources asynchronously prevents those resources from blocking the page load. It is always a recommended tip to follow asynchronous method for loading external script files. thus it will speed up loading of page. Why...

2013-09-080 Comments

PageSpeed : Put CSS in the document head

Moving inline style blocks and <link> elements from the document body to the document head improves rendering performance. Why should you put CSS in the document head? External stylesheets and inline style blocks inside the document body...

2013-08-211 Comments

PageSpeed : Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data. Images are the essential parts of a good webpage. but serving non-optimized images can result in a negative feedback from users. What it means by Optimize Images? Optimize...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Optimise the order of styles and scripts

Correctly ordering external stylesheets, and external and inline scripts, enables better parallelisation of downloads and speeds up browser rendering time. Browser : Come on you guys.. JavaScript : Let me in first . Browser   : Come on...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Minimize request size.

Keeping cookies and request headers as small as possible ensures that an HTTP request can fit into a single packet. What is an HTTP Request? Whenever your browser fetches a file(maybe an html page, image, stylesheet,javascript or any other...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Minimise redirects

Minimising HTTP redirects from one URL to another cuts out additional RTTs and wait time for users. What is an HTTP Redirect? Definition For HTTP Redirection from Wikipedia URL redirection, also called URL forwarding, is a World Wide Web...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Minify Javascript

 Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time. Minifying JavaScript  means removing  unnecessary bytes such as spaces, comments, line-breaks, and indentation in your...

2013-08-211 Comments

PageSpeed : Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time. What is minified CSS? here is a non-minified CSS code. div{background:#FFF;color:red;margin:0px...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing and execution time. Why minify HTML? Minifying HTML has same benefits as minimizing  CSS and...

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : inline Small JavaScript

Inlining small JavaScript into the main HTML page cuts down on RTTs and delays in downloading other resources. Browser will have to download your webpage first and then external files. making many request to server will cause rendering speed....

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Inline Small CSS

Inlining small stylesheets into the main HTML page cuts down on RTTs and delays in downloading other resources. If your webpage is calling an external stylesheet (.css file), your browser has to download your webpage first and CSS file next....

2013-08-210 Comments

PageSpeed : Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network. What is Compression? Compression is the first step to speed up your website. most web browsers supports gzip compressed contents to be served and...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Combine images into CSS sprites

What is a CSS Sprite? CSS Sprite is a collection of images combined in a single image.and it is the preferred method for reducing the number of image requests.  Combine your background images into a single image and use the CSS...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Avoid long-running Scripts

What is a Long Running Script ? A long running script is "A script takes too long to run or is not responding". One of the critical performance issues of JavaScript is that code execution  freezes a webpage.  only one script can be...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Avoid landing page redirects

Avoid landing page redirects If you are getting  "Avoid landing page redirects" warning in Google pagespeed, it will look like below . To speed up page load times for visitors of your site, remove as many landing page redirections as...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Avoid Bad Requests

What is a bad request? Bad request are requests that returns 404/410 error. (It will show a 404 not found page) Why bad requests? Bad request are often caused by Broken links. Websites and blogs are often change its contents, links,and move...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Avoid a characterset in the "Meta tag"

What is a character set? In simple, character set is the set of characters that you can use in webpage. I should specify charset , but not in meta tag? Why and how can I specify character set then? It is better to specify a Character set. and it...

2013-08-200 Comments

PageSpeed : Avoid CSS @import.

Using @import in external stylesheets will affect your PageSpeed performance. What is CSS @import? CSS @import is used to import other stylesheets when specified in an external stylesheet. For example, Consider we have two style...

2013-08-200 Comments

How to make money with blogging

Making money with blogging is being the hot topic nowadays. people tend to make Blogs just to make money rather than sharing their knowledge and thoughts. If you are one of them (I hope you are not),if you are one of them you should know about...

2013-08-170 Comments

Blogger.. Go Social..

If you want more people to see your blog, there are many ways than before. world has gone social. with the arrival of Facebook, twitter,and Google plus Social networking sites, things got much easier than ever. providing a link to your blog post...

2013-08-170 Comments

Attracting Visitors

Attracting your blog visitors is the crucial part of winning the blogging game. When it comes to the Word "Attraction" it means just not the appearance but the total performance of your blog.  There is four base things that is used to...

2013-08-170 Comments

Writing&Posting Strategies For Blogger.

Many out there create a blog, design it. write posts, and publish, and within no time, they find it hard to attract their visitors and  something is not just right. but what? hmm no .. they wont get an answer and they quit. What's happening...

2013-08-170 Comments

Why Should I Blog?

Have you ever wonder or asked yourself this Question?  Why should I Blog? This "Why Should I Blog" question can be raised on two occasions.  One is when you start to think about blogging. another one is when you lack...

2013-08-170 Comments

What to Blog?

As you could see, there are much things that helps us blogging that quick and ease. you may ask yourself, What should I blog about? What should I write about.? Here is a Quick overview on the topic that you might find helpful. Things you...

2013-08-170 Comments

What is Blogger?

Blogger is someone who updates/write a blog. For Example, someone asks you. Are you a Blogger??? then you pause and think. do I update or write a blog?? and if you do.. you tell.. yes... I am a Blogger. Or It can be Google's free blogging platform...

2013-08-170 Comments

How to Make Images Progressive (Allow Download in multiple passes) - Simplest method explained!

Requirements : Adobe Photoshop Steps to make an image progressive. Open Photoshop. Press CTRL+O to open image that you want to make progressive. Select "save for web" option from file menu OR press Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S. A new window will...

2013-07-171 Comments

Effective steps to replace old synchronous Adsense code with new asynchronous code in blogger blogs.

On 2-7-2013 , +Google AdSense  team announced that they are giving a new option for publishers to load Google adsense ads asynchronously. As they mentioned in there official Google+ Post, new asynchronous ad code lets Website...

2013-07-032 Comments

How to search text inside blogger template , in new blogger template editor.- Explained with Screenshots.

This time, after blogger applied a new interface for template editor, in blogger dashboard, there are many who just get confused on how to search inside the blogger template. before, when it was old blogger template editor, it was same as...

2013-06-141 Comments

Remove "Powered By Blogger" Attribution from blogger mobile template in 2 minutes - Tutorial With screenshots.

For a beginner, its hard to find an option to remove "Powered by Blogger" text at the bottom of mobile version of blogger blog .(at first,me too), then gradually after learning the blog's layout and core concepts, i found it is easy as anything...

2013-06-082 Comments

Add Google plus comments plugin in blogger - Steps to follow

Now you can replace your default blogger comment system with Google plus comment plugin. To replace Commenting system in blogger with Google + comment plugin,You don't even need knowledge of template...

2013-05-182 Comments

Say goodbye to cheap javascript way of summarizing blogger posts - Alternative Serverside method for any blogger template

So, Ho do you Summarize your blog Posts to Show in your blog' homepage or archive page.? If it i the Same cheap JavaScript method or trick(As you call it) that will trim out the received post, then its the time to change. It Was Super slow,when...

2013-05-165 Comments

How to Customize new blogger contact form gadget with CSS

Its a  very nice thing that blogger has a new contact form gadget that can be installed in any blogger blog. before this, many, used to adopt contact from from Google docs. but the thing is something simpler than anything, user...

2013-05-160 Comments

Contact form gadget for blogger

Now, a blogger can add contact form widget in blogger blogspot blog,within seconds ! that too come with a good styling and also customization possible with css. Blogger's new contact form is a nice, simple and fast one. There are...

2013-05-160 Comments

css3 :not(selector) selector

The :not(selector) selector is used for selecting elements that are NOT the specified element/selector. it means that the condition matches every element that is NOT the specified element/selector. syntax of :not selector :not(selector) {...

2013-04-302 Comments

Setup Open graph for blogger effectively

What is open graph? Definition for opengraph(from wiki): The Open Graph protocol enables developers to integrate their pages into the social graph. These pages gain the functionality of other graph objects including profile links and stream...

2013-04-260 Comments

jQuery is not working in blogger blogspot mobile version - issue solved

if you are wondering why your j Query code doesn't work in your blogger mobile version, here i the answer. The problem, is that blogger loads different template for blogger for PC and mobile, you...

2013-04-240 Comments

Facebook comments and like count problem in blogger blogspot - Solved

After blogger started applying Country Redirection in blogs, it is being a problem that Facebook comments and likes are not working properly because each visitor gets different result depends on current blog address. for example, my...

2013-04-241 Comments

Simple and fast Image to base64 converter.

Today we present you a new tool to convert images to base64 without uploading your image. easy to use and faster than other methods. just drag your image to the area, it will automatically converted to base64 string and will show the code next to...

2013-04-231 Comments

Add a simple yet beautiful "Recent Posts" Gadget in blogger blogspot

So, here you are, for adding a recent posts widget in your blogger blogspot. Without wasting time, lets get to that straight. I will be explaining how this works, at the end of this tutorial, Now lets add this to your...

2013-04-153 Comments

Best way to hide Email address in your website or blog from Spam bots - Google's mailhide

If you have a website or blog, it is necessary to put your email there to let visitors to contact you. may be only in contact page or in every page. But what if some bad bots searching websites for mail addresses in blogs or websites...

2013-04-141 Comments

How to replace Blogger Comments with facebook Comment plugin In blog/website

Here is how you can replace blogger comments with Facebook Comments in blogger blogspot. Before Proceed further, please note that If you use Facebook comments instead of blogger comments, You will not get email notifications when someone...

2013-04-1223 Comments

How to reset CSS for only a DIV or any other html element -Simple solution!

The aim of a CSS reset is to prevent inconsistency of elements that is nested to other elements,by reseting the height,width,margin,etc styles to the default ones. there are many ways to reset style of an elemet to the specific one. one solution is...

2013-04-100 Comments

Simple Tutorial: How to use jQuery&CSS to show or hide tab contents without page jump

While making elements in your website or blog 'beautiful and easy to navigate', you will have to adjust elements in an order.  Here we going to lean how to set up a navigation system which shows single section's content at a time as per user...

2013-04-100 Comments

What is blogger in Draft & How to Change to Blogger in Draft

Blogger in draft is Blogger's beta server. This server is used for testing new features before they integrate that features to main blogger server. So if you decide to blog with blogger in draft, it will enable features than the main...

2013-04-060 Comments

How to Switch back to blogger profile from Google plus profile - easy way

How to Switch back to blogger profile from Google plus profile If you are using Blogger service to blog,you will have noticed that there are two profile options available for a blogger one is blogger profile and another is...

2013-04-066 Comments

Beautiful jQuery tooltip

.tooltipster-chocolate{background-color:#7f5d3c;border:2px solid...

2013-04-050 Comments

Facebook buttons with CSS

Facebook  has a nice collection of buttons those are simple but really nice. Facebook ui like buttons are really awesome. So how can you include Facebook like CSS buttons into your website or blog? it is so simple...

2013-04-051 Comments

How to enable echo delay in computer windows7 or windows Xp in Easy ways

Here is the simple way to enable echo in computer microphone without extra sound card. Sometimes we need to echo the sound in microphone or to disable echo when we make calls or recordings. this solution will work in both case you will...

2013-04-040 Comments

How to add Google translate to website or blog

Google translator is best service ever to translate between languages with ease. Nowadays, many websites and blogs are make use of this feature. it will help user to read website contents in their language. Google does...

2013-04-042 Comments

How to remove <br> tag from two <br> tags using jQuery

Here is a nice solution for those who want to remove one tag from where two tags comes together. <p>A paragraph</p> <br> <br> <p>Another Paragraph</p> <br> <br> <p>Another...

2013-03-300 Comments

[SOLVED] - How to Disable the message "Google Chrome didn't shut down correctly. To reopen the pages you had open, click Restore."

How to Disable the message "Google Chrome didn't shut down correctly. To reopen the pages you had open, click Restore." Why this happens? Many people having this problem but not yet a working solution found anywhere,so i came...

2013-03-249 Comments

How to Enable/Disable default lightbox for images in blogger

Here is how you can enable or disable blogger's default lightbox plugin on your blog. If you need more advanced controls, you will have to disable it and search for any other Lightbox plugin like jQuery Pretty photo plugin. So, if you...

2013-03-230 Comments

How to create a Google Chrome extention - simple tutorial With Screenshots and examples

So, you want to create a google chrome chrome Extension! here we go. As we all know , google chrome is the leading web browser in world, because of its modern rendering features and speed. Extensions are programs that we can add to...

2013-03-201 Comments

How to remove Whitespaces and comments in html output and decrease pageload time with php

Here is a simple method for you to decrease your page size and increase your page load time with php. It is only supported if you have a host where php is supported. Have you ever noticed that when we view source code of any...

2013-03-190 Comments

Altrernative for marquee tag - with webkit animation

@-webkit-keyframes bar { 0% { left: 100% } 100% { left: -200% } } #outer { height: 24px; overflow: hidden; background: #fff; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#fbfbfb), to(#dfdfdf)); position: fixed; top:...

2013-03-160 Comments

Nice and beautiful paging buttons with CSS

body { background: #eaebef; } #pagin { margin: 65px auto; padding: 0; list-style: none; width: 180px; } #pagin li { float: left; margin-right: 10px; list-style:none; } #pagin li a { display: block; text-decoration: none; ...

2013-03-160 Comments

HTTP to HTTPS For images with jQuery or by Leaving protocol

You have a domain in, and it contains large number of images but image sources are starting from http:// .   Example: Problem you are facing is, When you open your website with...

2013-03-150 Comments

How to add a class to any element using jQuery or JavaScript

If you are a good web designer, you will always think of how to automate things without wasting our valuable time. This is one of the question every web designer/web developer thinks of. how to automate things! Here we will...

2013-03-140 Comments

Google App Engine | appcfg rollback - Effective ways to Undo the transaction with appcfg rollback

Did you ever felt problems while deploying my code to google Appengine ,and Deploying interrupted by power problem or connection problems? If you are a google appengine user and using google app engine application in your computer,its the time to...

2013-03-130 Comments

How to backup blogger template?- Simple tutorial with screenshots

Steps to backup blogger template To backup your blogger template, Go to blogger dashboard Select blog to edit template You can see template option on the left side of blogger dashboard window. select it It will show two thumbnails of your...

2013-03-121 Comments

blogger blogspot redirection to country specified domain extention and SEO problem - Explained

If you are curious about your sub-domain you registered with a blogspot."com" suffix redirects to your country specified domain suffix? In simple, do you wonder why your "" redirects to...

2013-03-120 Comments

If, else, and elseif Statements in blogger template

Have you ever thought that editing blogger template is that easy if we know the basics of coding? even if we have no such programming skills or just want to experiment,you will need to learn how "if else" statements works in blogger...

2013-03-120 Comments

Simple Tutorial: Add Prettyphoto to Blog/Website

You might have seen prettyPhoto plugin effects. Because i needed some lightweight solution that help user to get rid off opening the image as in a new window and to come back to image containing page, they have to hit backspace or back...

2013-02-2211 Comments

Facebook Graph Search - Basics you should know

In this very article, you will learn how to enable Facebook graph search and how to experiment its various features. Graph search allows us to find things very quick than before, but don't think it...

2013-02-212 Comments

Nice button with hover effect with CSS

To make your website more beautiful, you will have to make up each element beautiful with CSS. Button is one of them. in this tutorial, i would like to demonstrate how to create a nice button with  shadow effects when hover on it,that too with...

2013-02-200 Comments

Center Align an image or div inside another div

To center position an image or div inside another div or exactly in the main page container, we can use CSS. You might be aware of text-align:center; Css code will do the trick if you only need to position an image or another div inside a big...

2013-02-010 Comments

Open new window with javascript simple tutorial

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to open a new window with javascript. It will be useful if you decide to show preview of something,or to open on a buttonclick. Basic code looks likes this ->,name,Attributes)...

2013-02-011 Comments

Another Beautiful Firework with JavaScript

Here is another firework effect made with simple javascript. To add this to your page or blog, just copy and paste this code to your page's head section. or if you wish to add to blog, then Select add javascript /html option in layout section and...

2013-01-310 Comments

Awesome firework effect in html page with javascript

Here I demonstrate an awesome firework effect with javascript,without jquery. It can be included to any html page, blogger blogs or wordpress page. you will have to just Copy and paste the code to your page. In this fireworks code, you can change...

2013-01-317 Comments

Zoom image,text,div,anything on hover With CSS!

Here is how you can zoom any html element with css only! To get a smooth effect, we will add transition effects to all elements in web page. * {     /*transition*/     -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;    ...

2013-01-310 Comments

Change Image background with CSS only!

In my prevoius article, i have wrote how to set darkening effect for an image with CSS,JavaScript,Or jQuery. Here i demonstrate how to set image effects only with CSS. To see the effects in action, hover on each images can see colors...

2013-01-310 Comments

Darken An Image With CSS, JavaScript Or Jquery!

Assume you have an image in your web page and you want that to get darken when moue enter over that image. What You will do? Using Inline Css ans inline Javascript,you can darken an image. Also,if  you want to do that with a fade effect,...

2013-01-310 Comments

Copy file from remote server url to our own server

Here is how we can Save a file from url using PHP. <?php $file = ''; $newfile = 'video.avi'; if (!copy($file, $newfile)) {     echo "failed to copy $file...\n"; } ?> Code...

2012-12-260 Comments

Redirection using php and javascript

Here is how you can redirect your current page to a  new declared url. suing php and javascript at the same time. If you are using this script in iframe, it will help you to open page in the parent page,and not inside the...

2012-12-260 Comments

Extract a zip file using php

Here is how you can extract a .zip file using php on your server. Change to the name of your zip file. Declare the path ,the contents to be extracted to. if not specified, it will be in root directory <?php $zip = new...

2012-12-260 Comments

Delete a folder using php

You can delete a folder using this php script Change the DIRECTORY to the directory you want to delete. <?php $dir='/DIRECTORY/'; rmdir( $dir ); ?> Code Explained <?php $dir='/DIRECTORY/'; //Storing the directory path to variable...

2012-12-260 Comments

Delete files in a directory older than a specific time using php

Here is how you can delete all files in a folder those are older than a specific time,using php. Change DIRECTORYNAME to the name of  directory which you want the contents to be deleted. Copy and paste this to any text editor. save as .php...

2012-12-260 Comments

Count files in a directory using php

If you want to count how many files are in there in a folder using php, you can use this script. Copy This script, Change DIRECTORYNAME to the directory you want to count files, then save it as a .php file, upload to your...

2012-12-260 Comments

Full List of nokia phones by series

Full List of nokia phones by Series Here is the full list of nokia mobile phones for those who searching for the series of their mobile model. Nokia 1000 series 1011 1100/1101 1110/1110i 1112 1200 1208 1600 1610 1616 1650 1680...

2012-12-180 Comments

Full List Of s40 Devices

List Of Mobiles Which Comes Under S40 series Here is a full list of nokia s40 mobile devices categorized into editions and their screen sizes. S40 1st Edition (128x128) Nokia 2355 Nokia 6651 Nokia 3125 Nokia 6610i Nokia 6012 Nokia...

2012-12-180 Comments

Full List Of Nokia S60 Series Devices

List of s60 v2 phones Here is a full list of nokia series that comes under s60 v2 category. S60 2nd Edition FP3 (Symbian OS v8.1): Nokia N70 Nokia N90 S60 2nd Edition FP2 (Symbian OS v8.0a): Nokia 6630 Nokia 6680 Nokia 6681 Nokia 6682 Lenovo...

2012-12-180 Comments

Nokia Devices List for FP1,FP2

Nokia Devices Categorized into FP1/9.1 ,FP2/9.2,FP2/9.3 I am posting this because i was confused when installing a software that asked me to select fp2 or fp1 device. Pre-FP1/9.1 devices: ------------------- Nokia N77 Nokia E61i Nokia...

2012-12-180 Comments

Fading Webpage background color

This script changes the background color between two preset values. You can set the beginning color, the ending color, the number of color changes between the two, and the delay between changes. To apply this effect on your webpage, just...

2012-12-170 Comments

Make anything draggable in webpage without Jquery

Make anything draggable in your webpage by following this simple steps. Draggable means that something we can drag from one point to another point. What we need is only 3kb javascript code. Step 1 Download script,and link to webpage in...

2012-12-170 Comments

Host Website In Google AppEngine

Its a good news that we can host our static website contents in google app engine, for free. With this feature, we will be getting 1 GB free Space per application(Subdomain). Actually google designed this for Applications hosting. and Now you...

2012-12-122 Comments

5 players to Embed audio in web pages

Here is  6 audio players that you'll need if you decide to play audio on your website. When you embed a sound directly in your webpage,sometimes it will be downloaded directly to local system. To prevent this, you need to use any player...

2012-12-110 Comments

How to set Google plus language to my language. [SOLVED]

You can change from one language from another in google plus in just a click!! After messing with many threads in internet and following their instructions, i found that it is much complicated for beginners ,especially from mobile users....

2012-12-101 Comments

All Blogger Conditional Tags - Page type Conditional tags

Are you a blogger? or a blogger template designer? Then you should be knowing what are conditional tags in blogger,  Actualy what are conditional tags? have you heard of if, if else, conditions? If you want to work something in only...

2012-12-071 Comments

Get Full size of blogger hosted images

How to view Full size images of blogger hosted pictures? I dont know whether someone need this or not, but am sharing this hoping someone out there can understand this and can use this trick somewhere. So, Where we can apply this trick? As...

2012-12-070 Comments

Hotlink Favicon image of any website

Being a webdesigner, you will be needed this. For example, if you create a social gadget, you will have to insert social site's logo's, favicons, in design. To hotlink any website's favicon, To hotlink facebook's...

2012-12-060 Comments

SpeedUp Using ReadyBoost in windows7

If you really want to speedup your windows 7 installed PC, you can use Readyboost feature of windows7. readyboost is a service that help operating system ,to use a flash usb as a ram(Random Access Memmory). Here is the simple steps to follow if...

2012-12-060 Comments

Prevent Softwares From Autorun

Have you felt like your windows operating system takes too much time to load on startup? One way to overcome this, is to Disallow unwanted softwares from running autmatically when windows starts. We can configure  windows startup and disable...

2012-12-060 Comments

Clear Clipboard Contents in Windows 7

Sometimes we will need to clear contents from clipboard. For example, when we Copy entire contents of a microsoft Word file, It will slow down our system (It Happend to me ,many times). So Here is a way to Clear all clipboard items. In Windows...

2012-12-060 Comments

Compress large Size audio to small size

One day, i was trying to reduce the size of an mp3 file to include it in a webpage , I tried many converters and many compressors to reduce the size of audio. While experimenting, i got this option. It reduced 7 Mb Audio to 700 Kb Audio in just few...

2012-12-060 Comments

Make .Jad file for .Jar files

If you are using a mobile phone with internet, you will probably know what is the difference between .jad and .jar files in case of mobile games. .jad file is nothing but a linking .jar file with describing its size, and url.etc Why use .jad...

2012-12-060 Comments

Better Streaming Speed in Nokia

How to configure your Nokia mobile phone for better streaming from youtube?  Go to Real Player- Options -Settings - Connection- Network Set Options as below. Default access point - (your default access point) Online time -...

2012-12-060 Comments

Play Mobile Games in computer

How to Play Mobile Games In computer? How to Use Java Emulator for  Computers? Many of us still struggling with these question even now! Am writing the Methods i found . Please note that here we are only describing about java games. or java...

2012-12-060 Comments

Simple Tutorial :Basics for hosting in google drive

1go to 2Sign in to your account using google account. 3Create a New folder in Drive. 4Select Folder. 5 Click on First icon from left side - to set sharing permissions. 6 Under the Who has access...

2012-12-063 Comments

Search Google Images in Old style

Having a slow network connection, it will be hard to search in google images New version. Here is two ways to search google images in OLD pagination style. For Slow network connections and for those who interested. If you want to revert to old...

2012-12-060 Comments

Fly images with javascript

Want to see images in a page flying all over the page? Search in google image. better select old version. Just Copy and paste Below Javascript-code in to your browser's Address Bar. Come to the beginning of address bar, and add...

2012-12-060 Comments

Retrieve Typed Password

Do you know that we can see typed passwords (*******) with a simple tweek? Yes.. ofcource!! With this simple trick! Type password in the password field , you can even experiment it with twitter,facebook,google. Dont hit enter .. and dont...

2012-12-023 Comments